On March 1st Velocity did a Biathlon, we kayaked 6 miles and ran 4 miles.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25
Dear Lord,
You have called me to run the race of life. You created me for a purpose.
I want to run the race in such a way as to get the prize. I know that will mean going into strict training, and I commit myself, here and now, to take my life mission seriously. Oylmpic athletes don't sleep late, eat whatever they feel like and lounge around watcing television. They wake up each day with a plan. They go about their daily routine with vigor. They exercise, eat right, and stay on task. All of that for what? A gold medal and cereal endorsement? Lord, you have called me to pursue a heavenly prize! You have crown waiting for me that I will proudly wear for all eternity. It's time I got into strict training. Lord, with you as my personal trainer, I am ready to get serious. Refresh me, renew me and strengthen me for a new day tomorrow. I look forward to each new day to experience you.
In that blessed name of Jesus I ask. Amen
~sarah howell
BoI YaLl BeTeR wAtCh oUt.. BrItTany &
SaRaH CoMiN tO ThE tOwN nEaR YoU!!!!!!!
Thats really awesome the two of you did a biatholion and thats soo true the statement yall made about God calling us to run the race of life, because each and every person was created with a purpose.
RUN ON! jk
you girls are so great! What an accomplishment to run a biathalon! Congrats! You made me ponder my thoughts on running the race of life, am I really giving it my all everyday? I hope to say soon that I am... I will get back to you on that! love ya- april
Wow! My girl is famous:) I am so proud of you!You both look so cute in the pictures too. I love you. Mom
Very true and very challenging thought.
Very encouraging stuff!!! Keep up the great work!!!
that is powerful!!!i love it!!!!!
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